Pharmacies and medicines comparison

Pharmacies on a map

Our Advantages

A comparison of the most popular online pharmacies

We offer an overview of mail-order pharmacies.

Drug comparison

We compared more than 200 different drugs.

Drug comparison with current usage information

We provide package leaflets.

Real customer reviews

We publish all reviews by our users.

How do we work?


a pharmacy or medicine



up-to-date usage information



the pharmacy or the drug



your medicines cheaply


The largest comparison portal for medicines and online pharmacies

Compharms is the German comparison portal where you can find and compare prescription and over-the-counter medicines as well as online pharmacies.

Here we provide you with general information on more than 200 medicines. On the comparison portal we answer all these questions:

  • What kind of medicine is this?
  • How does it work?
  • How is it used and in what dosage?
  • What side effects, contraindications, precautions and drug interactions does it have?
  • Can you combine it with alcohol and use it during pregnancy?
  • How is it stored?
  • How and where can you order medicines cheaply and how much do they cost?

The search in the pharmacies and medication comparison is quick and easy and can be done by brand name or by area of application. Just enter a name such as Augmentin in the search box above. Alternatively, you can view all of the medications we have described by clicking on the appropriate button.

Thanks to our comparison portal for pharmacies and medicines, it is easier and faster for you to select an online pharmacy to order your medicines at a reasonable price. With just a few clicks you can find general information about each pharmacy, such as B.

  1. Range,
  2. customer service,
  3. Delivery time,
  4. Shipping,
  5. phone number,
  6. Address,
  7. opening times etc.

You also have an opportunity to rate this or that pharmacy yourself.

More and more people are buying medicines online these days. According to an online survey commissioned by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH published in February 2019, 66 percent of the 1,000 people surveyed have ordered medicines online. 48 percent buy more often in an online pharmacy. However, not all online pharmacies are reputable and there is a risk of ordering a counterfeit drug.

Thanks to the Health Service comparison portal for pharmacies and medicines, you have access to all the necessary information about a pharmacy in one place and can thus decide whether or not to buy medicines from this provider. With us you can compare prices for medicines and order cheaply directly from the corresponding internet pharmacy.

What are the advantages of buying medicines online?

Due to diseases such as depression, ADHD, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, etc., there is an increased need for medication in Germany. If the patient does not want to visit an in-patient pharmacy several times a month, he or she can order medication online. Online pharmacies offer several advantages, such as:

  • Lower Prices: Online pharmacies can help you save the money. By ordering medicines online, you can get them up to 75 percent cheaper than in local pharmacies.
  • Privacy/Anonymity: Some people understandably feel more comfortable ordering medication online because of anonymity. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to talk to a doctor about prescriptions and health online or by phone instead of visiting the doctor. However, to prevent the processing of your personal data for unauthorized purposes, make sure that the selected pharmacy has an adequate data protection policy.
  • Consistent opening hours and convenient home delivery: This is particularly beneficial for people who, for lack of time or for health reasons, are unable to visit classic pharmacies during their opening hours, as well as those who do not have a local pharmacy near them.
  • Extensive range: The online pharmacies usually offer not only over-the-counter and prescription drugs, but also dietary supplements, medical devices, naturopathic products and much more.
  • Medical Information: Some online pharmacies provide useful information about medications and diseases, as well as links to medical resources such as universities, government agencies, and health organizations.

How to find a reputable online pharmacy?

Would you like to find a reputable online pharmacy? Then consider the following tips.

When choosing an online pharmacy, always check whether the drug retailer has an EU mail order logo. The retailer must also have a registration in the national mail order register. So you can quickly check the legality and seriousness of the online pharmacy. You should avoid internet pharmacies that do not have an EU test logo or registration.

The websites for reputable internet pharmacies have SSL data encryption for security reasons.
If you come across a pharmacy that offers prescription drugs without a prescription, that is actually a sign of the rogue pharmacy.

The published privacy policies are an indication of whether you can trust an online pharmacy or not.

Medication price comparison: find cheap offers and buy directly from an online pharmacy

Our health service determines the prices for medicines in online pharmacies, including information on whether the order is free of shipping costs and which payment options you can use to pay for your medicine. On a product page you will find the filter with which you can sort the pharmacies that have this product in their range according to certain criteria. This simplifies your search for cheap or reputable providers on the Internet.

The online pharmacy is solely responsible for ordering, shipping and medical advice. Health Service provides a simple and informative comparison for medicines and pharmacies. We help you to find the cheapest and verified pharmacy. Our independent comparison portal for pharmacies and medicines is completely free for the consumer.

All pharmacies in comparison

Name Address Phone Type of pharmacy